
At Empire Industries, we strive to provide the most effective janitorial and building maintenance supplies at very competitive prices. We realize that our customers have many choices with regards to their suppliers. We feel that we have two very strong selling points to get you to choose Empire Industries.
The first is the quality of our products. They do what we say they will do. This is very important for the bottom line. You do not need to buy products to do a certain job, and then find out they are not good enough to do that job. That will not happen with Empire Industries products. We only carry the most effective products available on the market today. They will not always be the cheapest, but they will be the best, which makes them the most economical. Your employees do not waste time doing the same job over and over again. If you use Empire Industries products, the job will get done right the first time.
Our second string selling point is our incredible service. We are very good at keeping in touch with our customers on a regular basis and being available to them at any time. Please do not hesitate to call us at any time with questions or service needs. Many of our competitors seem like they are bothered if you call them with questions or needing help. At Empire Industries, we look at each call as an opportunity to prove to you how valuable we are. We will research products and pricing for you, help with any technical questions, and even come to your site to show your employees the best and most economical ways to use our products.